We are proud to announce that Culture Counts is a recipient of the 2023 Innovation Booster Grant (IBG).
The grant is part of the Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation’s New Industries Fund and is aimed at helping startups and small businesses turn ideas into commercial reality. The highly-competitive application process saw over 400 submissions, with only 43 successful recipients – a massive achievement!

Evaluation is a critical component of many funding and grant programs around the world. Culture Counts provides an easy-to-use digital platform that streamlines the evaluation process, unlike other platforms that are survey-focused.
However, many of our users are small or community-based organisations, and in demonstrating their impact, lack the financial, expertise and time resources to provide high-quality reports to their funders and stakeholders.
A solution was needed to provide a reporting tool accessible to these requirements.
It comes as no surprise that the number one feature request from our users is ‘a better reporting’ tool. The IBG grant will enable Culture Counts to fast-track this feature and enhance the value of the Culture Counts subscription with an innovative reporting tool.
The Culture Counts Flexible Report feature will empower users to demonstrate their impact more effectively to stakeholders, assisting them to:
- Be more efficient and effective in their evaluations
- Create high-quality reports tailored to their organisation
- Streamline administrative costs
- Improve data-literacy across the organisation
The project is scheduled to be deployed later this year and Culture Counts is excited to continue providing innovative evaluation solutions for our users!