Sunday 8 March is International Women’s Day, a day that celebrates the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women around the globe.
This year marks the 109th anniversary of the annual event with the theme, #EachForEqual, reminding us of the importance of recognising women’s voices.

Women have a strong voice in the Culture Counts’ database, representing 67% of our survey responses (read more about gender and survey participation here). For this year’s International Women’s Day, we asked ourselves, what aspects of events do females consider to be most important? We looked to our big dataset to find out.
The ‘Local Impact’ dimension
The Culture Counts dimension for Local Impact is defined by the statement, “It’s important it’s happening here”. Survey respondents are asked to determine the importance of the event, program or activation’s occurrence by sliding their finger along a Likert Scale, labelled Strongly Disagree on the left and Strongly Agree on the right.

We delved into the Culture Counts data to see if we could find a relationship between the ‘Local Impact’ dimension and other metrics, to see what constitutes this ‘importance’ from female respondents. To do this, we looked at female respondents who rated ‘Local Impact’ highly, then we looked to see what other dimensions they also rated highly within the same survey.
The list below sorts the difference by median scores (high to low), and shows the top 10 dimensions that were commonly scored highly alongside ‘Local Impact’ in the same survey.
What determines ‘importance’?
- Belonging – ‘It made me feel part of the community’
- Connection – ‘It helped me feel connected to people in the community’
- Community – ‘I feel a sense of community here’
- Authenticity – ‘It had connection to the State/Country we live in’
- Imagination – ‘It explored a new point of view’
- Facilities – ‘I am satisfied with the public facilities here’
- Relevance – ‘It has something to say about today’s world’
- Place – ‘It made me feel proud of my local area’
- Meaning – ‘It moved and inspired me’
The analysis shows that women who gave high scores to ‘Local Impact’, were also much more likely to agree with the ‘Belonging’, ‘Connection’ and ‘Community’ statements – all statements that relate back to social outcome areas and reveal the significance of helping audiences and participants to feel connected and recognised within their community.
From a cultural standpoint, females considered ‘Authenticity’, ‘Imagination’, ‘Relevance’ and ‘Meaning’ to be of importance, acknowledging the connection to place or country, personal stimulation, enrichment and appreciation.
As part of this International Women’s Day, we’ve found it super interesting to look into our dataset and considering the collective female voice in this way. Let us know if you found it interesting too!
Feel free to drop us a line at We’re always on the hunt for new ideas and ways to explore our data.