Navigating between different Evaluations and Surveys
When navigating to the Analytics Dashboard, you will see the results for all the surveys in the entire evaluation aggregated, or combined together.
In the dashboard, you can swap between evaluations and also view the data for each survey within your evaluations.
How do I swap between evaluations in the Analytics Dashboard?
While in the Analytics Dashboard, you can easily transition between your different evaluations. At the top left corner of the page, there is the headline called Evaluations, with an arrow pointing to the current evaluation that you are viewing. If you click on this, a dropdown list appears containing all the evaluations that you have created the dashboard. To swap to another evaluation, simply click on the desired evaluation from the dropdown list.

How do I swap between surveys in the Analytics dashboard?
Once you have selected the evaluation you wish to look at, you can easily transition between the surveys within it. This is useful if you wish to view the results of a single survey within your evaluation individually rather than the evaluation as a whole.

Click the word Surveys which is to the right to the name of the evaluation you have just selected. This will immediately show you the results of the first survey in your evaluation, with the name of that survey appearing to the right. You can move to other surveys by clicking the drop down arrow next to the name of the survey you are currently viewing. A list of the different surveys that you have within that evaluation will then be visible for you to click, view, and navigate between. If you wish to go back to the combined reports page for the evaluation, simply click on the evaluation name to go back a step.